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Extra-curricular Activities

At Biddick Primary School, we aim to provide a wide range of rich and varied opportunities beyond the curriculum to enhance our children’s experiences during their time with us. 

Over the course of the year, children are able to access a variety of activities after school to enhance learning and have fun.

Currently, our clubs run Monday to Thursday from 3:30-4:30 pm. These change on a termly basis, depending upon interest and demand; parents are informed of availability via our Classdojo app and places are booked via our school office.

This academic year, they will include:

  • Art and Craft
  • Coding
  • Cookery
  • Dance
  • Multi-skills
  • Music


In addition to these, we run a school choir every Tuesday lunchtime, regular football training and matches and weekly instrumental tuition through Rocksteady Music School.

Extra curricular clubs