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Personal, Social, Health & Economic Wellbeing Education

'We cannot protect our children from life. Therefore, it is essential that we prepare them for it.' Rudolf Dreikurs

At Biddick Primary School, our children and staff benefit from a friendly and nurturing environment, which prioritises their wellbeing and happiness. An integral part of our school mission is to develop well-rounded children, who are able to make a positive contribution to society. We aim to help them to establish a strong moral foundation so that they have a positive self-image and this is reflected in how they behave and interact with others. 

Our curriculum is based around the core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World; it aims to help children understand how they are developing personally and socially; tackles many moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up; and promotes British Values.

Lessons link purposefully to other curricular areas or themed weeks, allowing our children to make connections and give real-world meaning to their learning. Lessons are clearly, logically and progressively planned to allow children to reflect and develop their knowledge and key skills are often revisited and consolidated.

Planned opportunities to discuss and debate national and global issues allow our children to voice their opinions as well as listen to and respect the opinions of others. We do our utmost to ensure our children appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.

Our PSHE curriculum, alongside our school environment and ethos, equips children with the skills and attributes needed to develop into well-rounded, independent and responsible citizens, who are able to make a positive contribution to their community. We will help them to stay healthy, safe and be prepared for life in the increasingly challenging world, in which we live.

In P.S.H.E. children learn to:

  • Understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
  • Understand how to stay safe and behave online.
  • Understand the dangers they may face, both in and around school and beyond, and be provided with the means to keep themselves safe.
  • Understand the law and consequences of risky behaviours.
  • Develop responsibility and independence within the school which they will take forward into society in their working lives.
  • Respect other people, in particular, learning to respect the different cultural/ethnic/religious/gendered viewpoints of others in our school community and the wider world.
  • Understand what constitutes ‘socially acceptable’ behaviour at school and in society.
  • Be a constructive member of society.
  • Understand democracy.
  • Develop good relationships with peers and adults.
  • Develop self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Make positive, informed choices as they make their way through life.
  • Understand that they have a right to speak up about issues or events, and to respect others’ right to do the same.


pshe progression.pdf