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Special Educational Needs

We pride ourselves on our ability to offer and successfully deliver a full curriculum that is inclusive to all children, irrespective of need. The SEND team work closely with all of the teaching staff and, as a result, are able to support children with a wide range of academic, physical and social needs. This may be in the form of classroom-based or withdrawn support, often in small group or one-to-one sessions using resources from within the school and from the support services within the Authority.

We maintain very close working relationships with children, staff, parents and other agencies.


We encourage you to speak to your child’s class teacher or our SENCO if you have any questions or concerns. You can contact us via school telephone 0191 4151510, or by email, our addresses are in the SEND information report or SEND Policy.

SENCO – Miss C Baggott carling.baggott@biddickprimary.org.uk


School Admissions

If parents wish a child with SEND to be admitted to Biddick Primary School, the school adheres to the Local Authority Admissions Policy. Information can be found on the Sunderland City Council website booklet.

Arrangements For The Admission Of Pupils With Disabilities

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as one who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a persons ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities

Most children with Special Needs will not be disabled within the meaning of the Act. The admission of pupils with disabilities is considered in the first instance in the same way as non-disabled pupils.  Further considerations are made in the light of need and accessibility.  It is the Governors' policy to accommodate pupils with disabilities should parents wish and individual needs are planned for, to prevent any pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils.  In practice we ensure that classroom and extra curricular activities encourage the participation of all pupils, including those categorised as having Special Educational Needs.  Staff organise human and physical resources within the school to increase access to learning and participation by all pupils.

View or download Admissions Information for Parents of Children with an EHCP


Local Offer

To view how Sunderland Local Authority can support your child if they have SEND, view Sunderland’s Local Offer page.

SEND Info Report
 Key SEND Policies

SEND Complaints Procedure
SEND Policy

Together for Children SEND Ranges

The ranges will provide a framework for all professionals working with the pupil and will give clarity for parents and families in terms of what their child’s needs are and what they will receive to support this. They have been made using all agencies in Sunderland and with additional outside advice so it will hopefully mean children across the authority will receive consistent and targeted support to suit their needs.

We place our children into the correct “range” through observation and assessment. You are welcome to discuss this with your child’s class teacher or a member of the SEND team at your next review meeting, or before by making an appointment.

SEND Ranges – Guidance Document 2019

Ranges for Parents